Craft Trends in 2020: Here’s What’s On My Crafting Radar...
Let me start this post by saying that I love crafting! For one thing, it is part of my DNA and another reason - I’m a handmade maker - making decorative articles by hand and inspiring others to be creative is what my small business is all about!
I am always curious to learn new crafting skills. Mainly because it is pure fun, but also because as I experiment with new crafting tools, techniques and processes, creative ideas and inspiration flow. Many times my crafting experiments serve as a launch pad for new product ideas or new prints and patterns.
Crafting is also exercise for the mind - it gets you to use a different part of your brain and focus on something else outside of your daily routine tasks. It allows you to be nimble, work with your hands (beyond using tech gadgets!) and it can provide stress relief. In fact, research shows that textile crafting has a lot in common with mindfulness and meditation*.
Because of social media (in particular Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube), I’ve been able to learn about and follow all kinds of crafting trends! Here’s what is on my crafting radar for this year:
- Paint Pouring
- Alcohol Inks
- Fabric Painting with Lumiere
- Ice Dyeing
- Coloring (with coloring books)
- Hand Lettering
- Urban Sketching
- Batik
In late November last year, I attended a paint pouring demo at my local Blick Art store on 6th Avenue in NYC. I’ve been fascinated with this art technique since I discovered it on YouTube as creating marbled patterns and “dirty pouring” is so my style!
A week later, I bought the supplies needed and I’m excited to get started with this craft later this month. My plan is to practice on small 5"x7" flat panel gessobords first before I create a large 18"x24" art piece for my living room wall decor!
Paint pouring will be my first craft project that I start this year….and over the next year, I plan on exploring and experimenting with each one of the crafts on my list above in more depth.
So be on the watch for new blog content, videos on my YouTube channel and updates to Pinterest, Instagram, Instagram Stories and IGTV. Remember to sign up for my email newsletter to be in the know and stay informed!!
And if you are interested in starting your own paint pouring project, let’s experiment together! As you learn new tips, techniques or have new ideas - feel free to share it with me on Instagram - just tag me @DivineNY.